I photocopied the Self-Realization Magazine during college.

1. SUGAR - 1,500 miles
Sugar, a two-year-old part-Persian, had a hip deformity, which made her uncomfortable during car travel. Consequently, she was left behind with a neighbor when her family left Anderson, California, for Gage, Oklahoma. Two weeks later, Sugar disappeared. Fourteen months later, she turned up in Gage on her owner's doorstep - having traveled 100 miles a month to reach a place she had never been. The case was insvestigated in person by the famous parapsychologist J. B. Rhine....
8. MURKA - 400 miles
In 1987 Murka, a stray tortoiseshell, was adopted by Vladamir Donsov in Moscow. Murka killed his canary; a year later, she unlocked the bird cage and killed another one. She was banished to live with Mr. Donsov's mother in Voronezh, but disappeared after two years. A year later, on October 1989, Mr. Donsov found her in his Moscow apartment building, hungry, dirty, pregnant, and missing the tip of her tail. She ate a large meal and slept for three days.