
The B&W Pele Channel

My grandparents used to have multiple tv's going on in the house, sometimes as many as 4, usually in different rooms. There was a tiny, black and white one that Grandpa would sometimes have on sports while he watched something else on the big color tv, and if not that one would be in the kitchen so that when fixing a snack (say, toast) you could keep up, or Gramma could watch her soap.

They didn't watch stuff like this. But I wish I could have a little tv that would play only beautiful, black and white youtubes, such as these.


Fisherwomen of Songs

They cast their nets wide,
willingly swimming in.

I bought this old postcard in Plovdiv last summer, meaning to do something with it for Æ.
The collage includes a photo by Laura Mae Noble.


Cackling Merlin's Pass

Google translated:
原歌歌詞有五百多段,人們經常演唱的四段歌詞是由作曲家安波整理譯配的。 The original song the lyrics are more than 500 paragraphs, it has often been performed by the composer four lyrics Bo finishing with the translation.

南方飛來的小鴻雁呀,不落長江不呀不起飛。 Southern flying small Hongyan you, not down the Yangtze River do not you do not take off.
要說起義的嘎達梅林,是為了蒙古人民的土地。嘎达梅林to say the uprising is to the Mongolian People's land.
北方飛來的小鴻雁呀,不落長江不呀不起飛。 Northern flying small Hongyan you do not do not you do not drop off the Yangtze River.
要說起義的嘎達梅林,是為了蒙古人民的土地。嘎达梅林to say the uprising is to the Mongolian People's land.
天上的鴻雁從南往北飛,是為了追求太陽的溫暖呦。 Hongyan heaven flying from south to north, is the warmth of the sun in pursuit of Yo.
反抗王爺的嘎達梅林,是為了蒙古人民的利益。 Wangyeh嘎达梅林of resistance is to the interests of the people of Mongolia.
天上的鴻雁從北往南飛,是為了躲避北海的寒冷呦。 Hongyan sky to fly from north to south in order to avoid the North Sea Yo cold.
造反起義的嘎達梅林,是為了蒙古人民的利益。嘎达梅林rebel uprising is to the interests of the people of Mongolia.

1960年代 ,作曲家辛滬光根據這首民歌創作了交響詩 《 嘎達梅林 》。